Sunday, February 15, 2009

Love me too?

We were making cookies to deliver to Lily's friends with valentines, and I had to keep explaining to her why she couldn't eat any of them. I told her that we were making them for friends to show them that we love them. After thinking for a moment and with puppy dog eyes, she placed her hand on her chest and asked me so sweetly,"Love me, too?" !!!!!! So of COURSE she got a cookie because, let's face it, I love her the most!
What a wonderful day! Happy VAL day to all the people I love!


torri said...

Val! I'm sure you have no idea that I read your blog, but I do. And now you know. :) I was really happy to find it! I miss the old days when we used to have girl parties! But it looks like you have one everyday with your own girls! They are so cute! I loved this story about the valentine cookies. :) Anyway, if you want an invite to my blog, send me your email address at
I would love to hear from you!

Louie said...

This is the sweetest thing! I'm glad you gave her a cookie!

Keri said...

So sweet, I can just picture her saying it!!! I ate 3 delicious valentines cookies today, d'oh, but they sure were good!! :)

SFHS Class of 2000 said...

they learn quickly don't they? ;) Glad you had a happy Val day.