Thursday, October 8, 2009


I am thinking of starting post-dated posts, that tell what I'm about to do in case I slack off for a few months! :-) So many cute kid stories, so little time to blog! Lily was telling one of her stories at dinner - the kind that consist of one run-on sentence and last upwards of five minutes. When she ran out of breath, Ryan tried to hide his amusement and asked her, "So what is your point, now, Lil?" She replied, "This!!" then pointed her fingers to the side and started wiggle-dancing with a big cheezer on her face! We couldn't stop laughing! Avery is such a helpful little munchkin. She often brings Lily her blanket, combs my hair, brusher her own teeth for minutes on end...the cutest thing yet is when she walked up to the TV during general conference, held her sippy cup up to Elder Perry's face and said, "Drink!" So thoughtful! She also loves to dance with the singing crocodile doll, cheeze the camera, and snuggle mommy. Ave is definitely a mommy's girl and I am SO ok with that! Lily had a very sweet moment after General Conference. She'd gotten in trouble for grabbing something off of the counter, and was pouting in the corner, then asked me to help her say a prayer to help her obey! It gets better. Halfway through the prayer, she gasped, put her hand on her chest, and exclaimed, "My heart! I feel it! It's the Holy Ghost!" I managed to finish the prayer then just held her and felt so blessed to have my testimony and be able to teach my little girl the truths that have brought me so much joy! Life is wonderful. We are loving being up north! My mom brought us a care package while we've been sick, we have family nights together, Ryan's sister Stacy brought us a pan of heavenly cinnamon rolls (Lily calls them snail rolls :-), we have been able to visit so many friends and family that we've missed for a long time, there's so much to do up here and we don't have to rush or gear up for a long drive for every holiday. It's awesome! We've had tea parties with cousins, canning with mama H, camping with our new ward (in which we are nursery leaders..woohoo!), gone biking with high school friends up the canyon, gone to the aquarium in S. Jordan with great neighbor friends, seen friends from's all been very enjoyable. This summer has been full; and after last year, I'm grateful for every moment Ryan is home and able to get reacquainted with our little family. :) If you didn't care to read all that, I don't blame you. The pics will sum-up. :-)


Stephanie said...

too cute! We love the pictures and your story about Lily praying. Too funny!! Avery has the most gorgeous eyes ever, we hope to see you soon.

Tiffany said...

You are an inspiration to ME, Val! Honestly there have been times where I have though "What would Valerie do"...I think you are just the best mom ever. Your girls are so lucky. And SOOOO gorgeous. I hope Ryan is prepared to be protective of them!

I heard your girls are sick, so sad! Hopefully if all of our kids are ever well at the same time we can get together again before we move!

We just LOVE you guys!

coriandjohn said...

Val your family has grown so much in just the few months since you moved! It look like they are doing so great! I love your story about Lily's prayer- what a great sign that you are doing a great job as a mother! We're missing ya! If you ever swing this way for a visit, give us a call, we'd love to see ya! Love ya!

Louie said...

Pictures do speak a thousand words! Thanks for sharing your family times. I do think the, oh what did you call it, the pre-post? Anyway, that's a pretty good idea! Then we can have a record of our good intentions as well--for those plans that don't materialize. Hee hee.

Lindsay said...

Val, I can't believe how your girls are growing up! They've changed so much even since we just saw you. We miss you! We're coming that direction for Thanksgiving, so maybe we can see you then.