Saturday, March 27, 2010

Kids like to be tricked

Both of the girls are so hilarious lately...Sometimes because they're trying, but mostly just on accident. They will frequently announce that they ARE funny, followed up with, "AM I funny?" Then cackle because they know they have us licked. Avery makes the most adorable pout faces you've ever seen, and says she likes everything but changes her tone of voice so you have to pay attention to know if she really likes it or not.
It's funny how you don't realize how comical things are until you're on the phone with your sister who has no children, and therefore still appreciates every little thing they do with aunt-y adoration, and she asks you, "Did Lily just say that she needed more stuff to build a nest because her eggs are hatching?" It didn't even phase me til I heard it repeated back, then I spent the rest of the day paying attention and really enjoying what I saw.
Today Ryan asked Lily, "Who has babies? Mommies or daddies?" She answered, "Mommies!" Then he asked, "So what do daddies do?" Lily replied without hesitation, "FLIPOVERS!!" Which, of course, is when kids lay tummy-down on Daddy's legs and he flips them over his head! It's good to know what daddy's do and don't do around here!
In the car, Avery immediately asks for "Say Say Paymate" (Say Say Oh Playmate - their most favorite kid music CD). Today, it was already playing when she asked for it. Ryan and I tried repeatedly to assure her that it was already on, but she continued to whine and got increasingly demanding. She was in a perma-pout when we finally said, "OK, we'll turn it on." She gave a mischevious chuckle and kicked her feet with glee, a big ole' smile plastered on her face. Oi. The trouble is, it was so darling we couldn't help but laugh our heads off. We are in definite trouble with that one!
Another thing they love to do lately is to do 'criss-cross applesauce' on each other's tummies, but end it with a xyrbt (Sorry, I'd have to watch Cosby to know how to spell it!). They will do that to each other for AGES. Both of them are tender and sweet to each other at times, sharing toys or food or giving hugs and kisses when the other is sad. It touches my heart to think that they are such good friends, because I know how priceless and meaningful it is to have sisters to love. And it makes me excited to see them embrace and welcome their new little sis to their circle of friendship. Hooray!
I just love these kids.

1 comment:

No said...

Haha, I'm so glad my auntie-ness is helpful :-P

Nieces and Nephews rock!