Sunday, March 28, 2010


I am so grateful for what happened yesterday.
Lily came up to me as I was starting to fix dinner, holding her blanket and asked if she could "snug" me (She abbreviates snuggle to 'snug' because she wishes she was a a rug...). Normally I (sadly) tell her to go play or talk to sister or do a dance or something else so I can get food on the table before she is too exhausted to eat. But Ryan was with Avery downstairs, I hadn't quite decided what we were having for dinner, and a snuggle with my Lil sounded really nice. We sat on the kitchen floor, she wrapped us in her blanket, and after a moment of quiet she told me, "Mom? I'm worried." She sounded so innocent and sincere, I was afraid I wouldn't know how to help her with her concern. I asker her why, and she said, "We'll move to our new house and my friends will be far away!" I was so surprised! She's already had a meltdown when we first told her we were moving, which we discovered was because she thought she had to leave all of her toys here! It was heartwrenching to me that she was so genuinely upset about missing her friends, and I was so glad she came to talk to me about it...and that I luckily listened!! We had a nice long chat about moving back by old friends and still seeing our friends from here on occasional visits, etc. When she finally felt ok about things, she told me thanks and hopped up to go play. I fixed dinner with tears in my eyes, so grateful for that beautiful girl who loves people so much, and that I can be her mommy!

And, if this isn't the most adorable picture of Avery, I don't know what is.

LUCKY ME to be their MOM!!


Keri said...

They are beyond lucky to have a mom like you, sweetie! :)
Both those photos are adorable...can't wait to see you SOON!!!

SFHS Class of 2000 said...

i haven't been leavning comments because i never saw the comment link at the bottom of posts! Then i just happened to cross my mouse over the bottom and walah! There IS a comment bar! Anyway, very cute pic of avery and that is cute about lil. We will have to make sure to come play and have you down here lots so that she has friends to play with. ;) Can't wait till you are here, so excited!!!

coriandjohn said...

I JUST HEARD THE GREAT NEWS LAST NIGHT!!!! You're coming back!!! That is so exciting!!!! Ok, we're giving you guys three days of getting settled, then we are having you over for dinner, ya hear? It gave me chills when Linda told me that it will work out for you to move back into your house, because I remember talking with you about your concerns about that! Wow! Can't wait for you guys to move back! If you don't let us know when you're coming so we can help you move in our feelings will be VERY VERY hurt. Welcome home!!!!!

Georgadele's Citadel said...

I'm so glad you update this and share your beautiful moments with your family. The Lord has definitely blessed the Huff home. Best of luck in all you are doing!